About alienworld.ai


  • What is alienworld?

    alienworld is a fictional travel agency designed to demonstrate the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in creating immersive, detailed, and engaging content. From image and video generation to streaming avatars, AI bots and agents, alienworld showcases the Power of AI.

  • Can I actually book journey?

    Yes, absolutely. While we might not be able to send you to Mars, we may well accompany you on your journey to using AI tools. We provide AI AI classes and consulting tailored to your individual needs. Go to www.ki-kompakt.de for more information.

  • What's so cool about Artificial Intelligence tools?

    We love AI tools because they unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency, allowing us to solve complex problems, generate innovative ideas, and automate tasks in ways that were previously unimaginable.

  • Who's behind alienworld?

    alienworld is a project by cosmiscbee, an AI brand of FIRST AD Werbeagentur GmbH, Munich, Germany. We are a team of creatives dedicated to exploring the frontiers of AI and its potential to transform storytelling, entertainment, advertising, and educational content. We love to share our knowledge by providing AI classes and coachings at educational institutions and events. Stop by at www.ki-kompakt.de.

  • What AI tools did you use for alienworld?

    It differs as we frequently update the site. What you might see in action right now are Midjourney and leonardo.ai for image generation, heygen, canva, capcut along with runwayml for video creation, d-id for streaming avatars / agents, Open AI for AI assistants, and ChatGPT 4 for ideas and text generation.

  • Can I talk to a human?

    Absolutely! Just shoot us a message using our contact form here. We will get to you a.s.a.p, usually within 24 hours.

What could AI do for you?

The possibilities are endles - here are just a few use cases

  • help start your business

  • help build your corporate design (logo, colours, fonts, images)

  • build websites in minutes

  • build apps without coding (AI plus no-code tools like softr, glide, bubble or flutterflow)

  • marketing strategies

  • create and automate marketing and social media campains

  • onboard new employees using custom GPTS for your company

  • improve workflows

  • enhance customer experience using bots, agents and streaming avatars

  • text and content generation

  • create engaging presentations

  • create educational content

  • video generation

  • food photography

  • fashion photography

  • product design

  • AI for architecture

  • storytelling

  • and so much more